For centuries now, Idol worship has faced
continual claims and comments on being an action of least worth, and should be
terminated because it doesn’t satisfy the logic which modern man searches from
spirituality. Idol worship has been criticized, and this blog today will
justify them all. My words do not offer a spiritual authority; I’m just a
servant of god, and glorifying the lost dignity of Idol Worship and the role of
Brahmins too have been facing scarcity of
their true nature, and aren’t, thus, able to justify their presence in the
temple or in front of the idol.

on behalf of all the Hindu people present to you, an insight on Idol Worship
and Brahmins.
God who has no form, or the “niraakar bramha” is undoubtedly a concept of faith, but this has
been past. In order to build devotion and belief on the formless god, one needs
a highly disciplined and meditated mind. For common man like us, this has been
nothing more than a concept written in Shrimad
Bhagvat Geeta, The Bible, The Quran. In order to focus one’s faith on
someone, one needs a form to meditate upon. Some see it as a father, some see
it as the divine mother, for some it is a friend, and for some it is the
punisher. None of them are misled. They all have faith in someone, but all
these “someone” ultimately drain upto the ultimatum, or the formless god. “It doesn’t matter for the path you follow,
because all paths ultimately lead to him. What’s important is, you should
Now having our mind fixed upon the form,
whether father, protector, destroyer, or redeemer, we sought for a physical
form to pray to. And this led to the existence of idol worship as we see it.

The priest, or the Brahmin assigned with the
job of putting in the soul to the idol, has to maintain certain level of
purity, so that the divinity doesn’t find it difficult to be manifested in him.
Hence Brahmins have a certain protocol to which they stick to. But with the
onset of logic and science, people have shortened their logic, and hence call
it blind faith.
This is my appeal to all the intellectual
masses reading this, everything written in scriptures and advised by saints and
sages, has logic and reason behind it. If we aren’t able to recognize it,
doesn’t mean the logic is invalid. It just proves us our ignorance.
Hence, wake up and rise, accept what the
sages have to say.
Accept to live in misery with Christ than living in
palace without him.
And don’t criticize for what is unknown to
you, because remember all great leaders of every religion had so many
criticisms to deal with, and yet we kneel before them in prayers.
I bow down before my master who showed the world the unity in diversity for religion, Shri Ramakrishna, who himself had manifested goddess kali in the temple of Dakshineshwar, Kolkata.
Hope, my readers would have had a different
conviction by the end of this blog. Will keep you enlightened further.
Jai maa..
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