Monday, January 16, 2012

Standing at the brink of our own apocalypse

Claiming to be secular, we carve out a way to extend the boundaries on which we stand today. Irrespective of what we do, we tend to console our guilt conscious by stating the cliché of being secular. Such has our lust increased that we could form an explanation justifying even the most heinous action we are driven to do. Hence giving us enormous room to do almost anything and yet claim to be unperturbed by the sickened society. In ancient texts of the Hindu religion, a situation of this order is mentioned to happen, where chaos will be such that its entropy will be beyond any human’s control. Indeed, we are a part of such a beautiful society this day.

“Lust, hunger, poverty, anger and attachment eats up our intelligence and invites infamy to our life’s course.” After a while of realization of the selection of the wrong path, man repents for its incorrect choice. At this point, repentance goes in vain, since we already made a choice which led us this far that we have done things that were strictly beyond the boundaries set by our culture and civilization. Our roots have decayed in such a manner that the tree could fall even against a slightest breeze. This downfall of morality has a direct influence over the stability of a civilization. When men cannot protect their integrity, how possibly could they protect their civilization, which stands at the brink of devastation?

The discussion of the ingenuity of a religion is not the matter in front of us. The matter is to accept one and start the process of self-realization. Until and unless we know what we are, and the true purpose of life, we can’t make up a prosperous and ethical society. According to the words of a great saint; “ the one who sees unity in diversity, peace in a warfront, love in hatred is liable to be designated as a perfect man.” These words although seem very vague and ambiguous, allows our intellect to seek for the unsaid mystery.

We attain peace and happiness, when we start looking inside us, when we find the diversity in our own self. We remain calm and composed, action-less and motionless, because we are now aware of the truth. Every job a man does is to attain happiness and pleasure. Some feel they can achieve it by earning more and more money, while others feel they achieve it by spending time with their family. But neither of these could provide them eternal and perpetual happiness. The only way to achieve this never ending happiness is by knowing oneself, and it’s possible only by the knowledge of this eternal yet mortal world. The moment we are able to conceive the truth, millions of ambiguities and doubts get clarified, there’s no more jealousy, anger and a communal harmony presides over our intellect.

This perpetual happiness is just the first stepping stone. The eternal bliss seconds it, which is achieved when man is able to see the residing almighty in him. At this stage, no creature seems less than god; he seeks the divine manifestation in each and every thing around him. He’s all happy, and totally content, he neither cries for the departed, nor welcomes the new born, since he’s saturated with the true knowledge, which leads us to think and understand beyond this mortal attachment.

The whole basis of a religion is to bring order into human society, and protect it from destruction, the destruction that had originated from the mortal beings making up the society, to give a society the true knowledge and make them aware of the truth behind every happening. It’s not the external source that is responsible behind the destruction of a society, but the internal chaos which adds up to the antisocial elements.

If we have the perception that the divine knowledge is useless at this stage, then it’s time to think again, you might be sleeping in the darkest of nights, and when you wake up, there’s nothing left for resurrection. It’s high time to get back to the basics and learn from it, the essence of quality living.

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